Here is the updated list for Siskey's Homeschool Fall Program, thank you Christi Deason for sharing this!!
Sports & Fitness
PE: Ages 4-7, 8-11, 12+
Tuesday 1:10-2:00
Thursday 1:10-2:00
Students ages 4-18 will participate in lessons that focus on physical fitness, skill development and sportsmanship. Classes are divided by age and students will learn material that is based upon their age and skill level, introducing new concepts and building upon ones already acquired. Students may choose one day or two days a week for PE.
Track: Grades 4-12
Thursday 12:10-1:00
This program will emphasize the fun of running, focusing on conditioning and technique at ALL levels. Runners will learn stretching and strengthening exercises that will improve their running and help avoid injury. They will train for track, middle distance, 5K and 10K running. The students will work towards a track event for their final class. Parents may attend this class for FREE and participate with their children.
TUMBLING I, II, III: Grades K-12
Tuesday 11:00-11:50, 12:00-12:50
Thursday 10:00-10:50, 12:10-1:00
Tumble I – Kids will love this energetic class that will teach and reinforce tumbling skills using the balance beam, bar, and vault. Students will learn forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, back bends, and handstands, as well as more advanced skills as their proficiency in the fundamentals increases.
Tumble II & III -This class combines flexibility and strength training with instruction on the beam, bar and vault, & floor. Students will learn not only the basics– rolls, cartwheels, round offs, handstands – but also advanced skills such as walkovers, hand springs and cheer stunts!
*Students will be evaluated on the first day of class and instructors will place them in the appropriate level.
Tumble, Jump, Stunt: Grades K-12
Thursday 11:00-11:50
Students wishing to add stunts and jumps to their tumbling skills are encouraged to register for this additional class.
Dance—Tap I & II: Grades 5-12
Tuesday 2:10-3:00
Thursday 2:10-3:00
Students will be evaluated on the first day of class and instructors will place them in the appropriate level. Beginner tap students will explore the fundamental steps of tap dance, learn tap terminology, and develop coordination. Class is devoted to tap technique, teaching simple rhythms, dancing to the beat of the music, and staying together as a group. Students whose dance skills meet Tap II requirements may move into advanced tap with teacher recommendation at the end of the session.
Swim—Ages 6-9
Tuesday 2:10-3:00
Thursday 2:10-3:00
At the Y, we believe the ability to swim is a critical life skill for every child and teen. Our homeschool swim lessons are customized based on the children enrolled and use a variety of fun methods to help kids overcome fears, build confidence in the water, and develop skills that last a lifetime.
Swim—Ages 10-12
Tuesday 2:10-3:00
Thursday 2:10-3:00
At the Y, we believe the ability to swim is a critical life skill for every child and teen. Our homeschool swim lessons are customized based on the children enrolled and use a variety of fun methods to help kids overcome fears, build confidence in the water, and develop skills that last a lifetime.
Academic Enrichment Classes
Engineering Grades K-6
Wednesday 9:00-9:50
Engineering is the application of science, mathematics, and experience. The basic objective of engineering is to use scientific principles and methods to produce useful devices. Students will be introduced to the engineering design process as they ask questions, imagine, plan, and create. As we learn new ways to create designs, we will also learn how to improve previous structures. The problems, experiments, and other activities are easy to understand and make use of mostly recycled household materials. While this class will combine math and science concepts, it is geared to invoke imagination, problem solving, creativity, and teamwork! Be advised: students will want to repeat these activities at home!
Math Grades K-3
Thursday 11:00-11:50
In this hands-on, minds-on math class, students will explore patterns, probability, statistics using manipulatives, flash cards, games, songs, dice, calendars, etc. They will start to recognize the math that is all around them. The games and activities we do in class will teach and reinforce basic skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students will learn to apply the math they are learning at home and you will notice a significant increase in their quick recall skills, confidence, and love of mathematics.
Science Grades K-6
Wednesday 10:00-10:50
This course is designed as a general science class. Activities will incorporate experiments, drawings, songs, stories, and models to represent scientific concepts. Basic household materials will be used each week to demonstrate the topics presented. Students will be excited about science because of the hands-on nature of this course. They will be able to repeat classroom lessons at home with little or no adult assistance. Science activities are geared for elementary and early middle school children with a focus on making science FUN!
Logic: Grades 6-12
Monday 1:10-2:00
This class will focus on developing logic and reasoning skills. Students will learn how to think mathematically as well as develop a love for logic and reason. We will practice quick recall of facts through fast-paced games. Geometry, algebra and pre-calculus will be integrated with logic and problem solving. Parents are encouraged to attend class and participate in the games and activities with their children. Parents may attend this class for FREE and participate with their children.
Lego: Grades K-5
Monday 9:00-9:50
Students’ creativity and imagination will be tapped using the world’s most iconic construction piece—The Lego! Students will be led through structured activities, free build time, and fun games designed to spark inventiveness and challenge the young Lego engineer.
Thursday 9:00-9:50
This hands-on class for beginning readers will help students sparks a lifelong love for reading! In this class, we will focus on strengthening literacy skills such as fluency, phonetic skills, and sight word identification. Each class, students will have fun reading, being read to, and playing games and activities designed to help strengthen their reading abilities. The goal of this program is to help build confidence in your emergent reader and to help instill a passion for reading that will last a lifetime.
Spanish: Grades K-3
Thursday 12:10-1:00
Students will participate in exciting learning activities that utilize games, music, movement, and visual aides, providing the chance to speak Spanish in a fun-filled environment!
Spanish: Grades 4-8
Wednesday 1:10-2:00
Students will develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family, and daily life. In addition, they will also explore cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.
World History: Grades 1-6
Thursday 10:00-10:50
Students will study the customs and culture of regions around the world. They will gain an appreciation of our global society as they learn the history of Asia, Europe, Africa,
Knitted Creations: Grades 2-Adult FREE
Monday 9:00-9:50
Does your child beg you to teach them to knit, but either you simply don’t know how, don’t have the patience, or don’t have the time? Join Miss Jean, who is passionate about passing her knitting skills on to young people, in this 10-week course designed to end with a finished product. Students will begin by learning casting on after which they will progress to the basic knit stitch, purling, ribbing, and binding off. Participants should provide a size 7 or 8
Space is limited. Email to reserve your spot now.
Music, Art, & Theater
General Music: Grades K-3
Monday 11:00-11:50
Join us in singing, playing instruments, listening to music, improvising or composing music, and moving to music. Students will learn music notation and terminology by actively participating in making music and in understanding the basic principles of music such as rhythm, melody, pitch, harmony, and scales.
General Music: Grades 3-6
Monday 10:00-10:50
Join us in singing, playing instruments, listening to music, improvising or composing music, and moving to music. Students will learn music notation and terminology by actively participating in making music and in understanding the basic principles of music such as rhythm, melody, pitch, harmony, and scales.
Art 101: Grades K-3
Monday 10:00-10:50
This is an exciting class that touches on many different aspects of art such as drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. We will learn about a famous artist, element/principle of art all while learning new skills, creating something wonderful and having fun! This class is meant to help build an art foundation of concepts, skills, vocabulary, and inspire a love of art! Don’t be disappointed if a finished product doesn’t come home each week. Masterpieces take time!
Art 101: Grades 3-6
Monday 11:00-11:50
This is an exciting class that touches on many different aspects of art such as drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. We will learn about a famous artist, element/principle of art all while learning new skills, creating something wonderful and having fun! This class is meant to help build an art foundation of concepts, skills, vocabulary, and inspire a love of art! Don’t be disappointed if a finished product doesn’t come home each week. Masterpieces take time!
Stage Production Theater
Monday 9:00-9:50
Students will participate in a wide range of creative activities including dramatic movement, characterization, and improvisation, which will build their confidence, self-esteem, focus, concentration & verbal communication skills. They will learn the process of audition to performance, developing ensemble rehearsal skills and proper theater etiquette. Students will have several opportunities to rehearse on the outdoor stage at Hemby. At the end of each session, a performance will be presented demonstrating the skills and material learned to the students’ family and friends.
Visual Arts: Grades 5-12
Monday 12:10-1:00
In this art class students will focus primarily on drawing the first semester. Using drawing as a foundation, artists will then move on to learning painting skills and techniques. During the last semester, sculpture and 3-D art will be introduced. Each semester will build on the skills introduced the semester before. Students in grades 6-12 will also have the opportunity to explore art through several history assignments. At the end of the year students will discover that they have significantly improved their skills and eye for art.
Lunch/Recess, Nature Journaling, & Outdoor Adventures
Outdoor Adventures: Grades 5-10
Monday 12:10-1:00
This class is designed to increase outdoor knowledge and survival skills. Participants will be exposed to exciting and dynamic activities that challenge them both mentally and physically. Weekly activities will include arts and crafts, plant identification, survival activities, team building, camping basics, geo tracking, basic first aid and other activities that will enhance their outdoor experiences. Participants will be expected to be dressed appropriately for outdoor activities including close-toed shoes with socks. A hat would also be recommended.
Nature Journaling: Grades K-6
Monday 1:10-2:00
Children of all ages will delight in this Charlotte-Mason based nature journaling class. Charlotte Mason believed children should spend as much time outside as possible. Enroll your child in our outside-the-bricks science/art/writing class where they will go on nature walks, carefully observe their surroundings, draw and write about what they see. Students’ natural curiosity will be developed as they are guided to study and appreciate the natural world around them. Students must wear close-toed shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.
Lunch, Recess, & Supervised Study Hall: K-12
Monday 11:00-11:50, 12:10-1:00
Wednesday 11:00-11:50, 12:10-1:00
Repeatedly, research shows kids need recess. Parents and educators realize recess is not simply idle time; it’s a critical part of the school day. Over 40% of school age students get the majority of their exercise at recess. In addition to
Academy Classes
Academy classes are designed with one day of instruction followed by 4 days of homework and reading. Teachers will present a week’s worth of material and students will follow a syllabus to complete assignments by the next class meeting. All of our academy classes are designed with rigor and challenge; therefore, we advise that you know your child’s limits, abilities, and other commitments outside of the YMCA in selecting a course of study. Families must purchase the required curriculum listed in the course description prior to the start of class. Students must also be prepared with notebook and pencils for each class. Progress reports will be given at the end of each 10-week session, but parents must decide the final grade based on the criteria you set at home. Additionally, students registering for Biology must register for Science Lab ($25) to cover cost of science labs and dissections.
Literature: Grades 3-5
Wednesday 11:00-11:50
In this class, students will be exposed to different types of quality literature that will provide thought-provoking topics and a variety of themes. Every week, they will engage in rich discussion with their peers. There will also be a focus on strengthening literacy skills such as reading comprehension, fluency, and story element identification. Students will have assigned reading to do at home so they will be able to actively participate in the classroom discussions. The goal of this program is to introduce students to a wide variety of literature that will help promote an avid love for reading that will last a lifetime.
Required Books:
Fall: Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and
Winter: Beezus and Ramona by
Spring: The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White,
Literature Studies: Grades 6-9
Wednesday 1:10-2:00
Students will study literature from a selection of great books. They will investigate details, motives, and themes in the books and will be encouraged to contemplate challenging questions and explore literary genres. The class goal is to engage and guide students to dig deeper into well-written, well-known books. Students will explore and share their thoughts and ideas cooperatively through verbal, artistic, or written activities and conversations under the instructor’s supervision. Prerequisites: Student must be able to read fluently at the 7th grade level or above. Students should be able to write a paragraph independently.
Required Books:
Fall: Night, The Call of the Wild, and Going Solo (Dahl)
Winter: Dear Mr. Henshaw, Frankenstein, and The Pushcart Wars
Spring: Animal Farm, Gulliver’s Travels, and Last of the Mohicans
Literature Studies: Grades 8-12
Wednesday 12:10-1:00
In this high school level course, students will study literature from a selection of great books. They will investigate details, motives, and themes in the books and will be encouraged to contemplate challenging questions and explore literary genres. The class goal is to engage and guide students to dig deeper into well-written, well-known books. Students will explore and share their thoughts and ideas cooperatively through verbal, artistic, or written activities and conversations under the instructor’s supervision. Prerequisites: Student must be able to read fluently at the 7th grade level or above. Students should be able to write a paragraph independently.
Required Books:
Fall: Going Solo, The Call of the Wild, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Winter: In Search of Honor, Frankenstein, and The Old Man and the Sea
Spring: Oedipus the King, Gulliver’s Travels, and Last of the Mohicans
IEW Writing—Grades 3-6
Wednesday 1:10-2:00
In this popular and proven writing course, students will learn the key elements of writing. Source texts will be used to create key word outlines, rough drafts, and final products. Along the way, learners will discover the stylistic techniques that comprise a quality paper including strong verbs, strong adjectives, sentence openers, clauses, alliteration, simile, metaphor, and personification. Vocabulary will be emphasized. Students are encouraged to enroll in Grammar Grades 3-6 as a companion course. Required text: All Things Fun & Fascinating. Published by IEW.
Grammar: Grades 3-6
Wednesday 12:10-1:00
In this class, we will be expanding on and reviewing basic English grammar concepts using the Grade 6 Easy Grammar text. This class will help students have mastery of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage to prevent errors made in their writing and in their speech. We will cover the eight parts of speech and the various attributes for each part of speech. Concepts will be introduced in a way that will facilitate understanding for everyone. In class, we will preview a week's worth of lessons. Students will be able to complete the assigned lessons at home in less than 15 minutes a day.
IEW Writing—Grades 6-9
Wednesday 11:00-11:50
Using the first three novels of The Chronicles of Narnia® (The Magician's Nephew; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; and The Horse and His Boy), this series of lessons beckons students to experience the enchanted
Grammar: Grades 6-9
Wednesday 10:00-10:50
In this class, we will be expanding on and reviewing basic English grammar concepts using the Grade 9 Easy Grammar text. This class will help students have mastery of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage to prevent errors made in their writing and in their speech. We will cover the eight parts of speech, the various attributes for each part of speech, along with differentiating dependent and independent clauses. Concepts will be introduced in a way that will facilitate understanding for everyone. In class, we will preview a week's worth of lessons. Students will be able to complete the assigned lessons at home in less than 15 minutes a day. High school students who finish the entire text can earn 1/2 English credit. Parents are welcome to attend!
Writing Lab: Grades 3-9
Wednesday 2:10-3:00
This lab is for students who are enrolled in IEW Writing on Wednesday. Students will receive additional assistance with their writing including grammar help, transitions, sentence openers, strong verbs and adjectives. This is an ideal time to get extra help with editing and refining your papers. No new material will be introduced in this class. Parents are welcome to attend writing lab with their child to ask questions and gain understanding of the concepts presented in class.
World History: Grades 7-12
Wednesday 9:00-9:50
This class will utilize an integrated approach to studying History by researching, writing, discussing, and presenting historical people and events from the rise of
Biology —Grades 7-12
Wednesday 10:00-10:50
This is a FULL HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY course covering basic biochemistry, the cell, DNA/genetics, evolution & creation, the 5 kingdoms of living things, human anatomy & physiology, and ecology. This course will include labs, dissections, and microscope experiments. Required Curriculum: Science Shepherd Biology 2nd edition (3 book set). Additional resources: Biology lab manual, Biology lab DVD (purchase only if needed for home instruction). Students must also register for Biology Lab ($25).
Latin I—Grades 7-12
Monday 11:00-11:50
Henle Latin I is an advanced high school Latin course published in the 1940's. In this class, we will cover the first two units of the book over the course of the school year. We will focus primarily on vocabulary, the five declensions, and 35 grammar rules that will set students up for further success in any Latin study. Henle uses repetitious Latin phrases and copious exercises to produce mastery. Students will need to purchase Henle First Year Latin Text, Henle Latin Grammar, and Henle First Year Latin Key as well as Memoria Press' Henle Latin 1 Study Guide Units I & II and Henle Latin I Quiz/Exam Packet (Units I-II). The books are inexpensive and will be used for many years of study. All books, except the Quizzes and Tests book, can be shared among family members. In class, we will preview a week's worth of lessons, and the Study Guide will dictate the schedule for at home assignments. Students will be able to complete daily assignments in 30 - 45 minutes. High school students who complete the class can earn one Foreign Language credit. Parents are welcome to attend class, especially at first, in order to grasp the at home assignments. We will also have a parent meeting prior to the start of class in order to discuss some specifics of the program.
Spanish I
Thursday 1:10-2:00
This is an intense Spanish course designed for High School students who want to learn Spanish in an engaging class, where grammar will be used only to complement vocabulary learning and conversations. There is no workbook involved, only a notebook and pencil for students to use as future reference. Fall topics: Formal and informal greetings, days of the week, animal names and their articles, colors and geometric figures, plurals, months of the year, pronouns, to be, question words, introductions, prepositions. Winter: vocabulary, manners, to be (ser), irregular verbs-conjugation, use of “tener”, telling time, math in Spanish, sentence writing for word problems. Spring: nouns, indefinite articles, plural nouns, descriptive adjectives, verbs, past tense, and sentence writing.
Math: All Saxon Math Classes are held at Hemby on Wednesday.
Grades 3-5 (Saxon 5/4, 3rd edition): 12:10-1:00
Grades 4-6 (Saxon 6/5, 3rd edition): 9:00-9:50
Grades 5-7 (Saxon 7/6, 4th edition): 11:00-11:50
Pre-Algebra-grades 7-10 (Saxon Algebra ½, 3rd edition): 9:00-9:50
Grades 8-11 (Saxon Algebra I, 3rd edition): 12:10-1:00
Grades 9-12 (Saxon Algebra II, 3rd edition): 1:10-2:00
Saxon Math is a full curriculum which when completed will leave students with a solid foundation in the completed math level. A distinguishing feature of the curriculum is its use of an incremental approach for instruction and assessment. Incremental concepts are taught in small, approachable progressions. This approach limits the amount of new math content delivered to students each day and allows time for daily practice. New concepts are introduced gradually and integrated with previously introduced content so that concepts are developed, reviewed, and practiced over time so that by the end of the year students have reached deep understanding and fluency. Practice and assessments include concepts from the most recent lessons as well as from earlier in the year; ensuring students retain all concepts and can make connections between them. Students should be given the placement test found on the Saxon website to determine which level to take. It will not benefit students to be placed in a level above their test results. Because geometry is interwoven into pre-algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II, students who complete these courses will also have completed a year of geometry. Students who complete Saxon math are well prepared for standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT.
Math Lab: Grades 7-12
Wednesday 2:10-3:00
Students enrolled in Algebra I or Algebra II are encouraged to take math lab. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and get additional instruction with concepts presented in previous weeks. This is a great time to do test corrections, correct problem sets, and get clarification for concepts that are not quite mastered. No new material will be presented during the math lab time. Parents are welcome to attend math lab with their child to ask questions and gain understanding of the concepts presented in class.