Spare Time 16317 Statesville Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078
Hi All!
It's time again for the Spare Time LKN Homeschool bowling league to begin again! Homeschool bowling takes place at Spare Time in Huntersville on Wednesdays beginning January 11, 2017 and ending in April.
It starts at 9:30am and consists of either 2 games for Pee Wee/beginning bowlers or 3 games for the Juniors who are able to bowl without bumpers. It costs $10 per week for Juniors which covers the three games and shoe rental if needed.
There is a one time league sanction fee of $10 for any new bowlers. Pee Wee league is $6, I believe, but I'll have to double check as we haven't had any Pee Wee bowlers in a while.
We have a great coach who helps the kids to learn proper bowling stance and etiquette and assists during the bowling time! My boys have enjoyed this league for the past three years and have made amazing strides in bowling! If you are interested, let me know or please just come try it out on Wednesday, January 11th and we'll get your child/ren all set up! I've attached the Spare Time Huntersville webpage, but league information is not available on their site. If you have any additional questions, please post them below and I'll be happy to answer them.
Hope to see you there next week! Celeste Garrod Litt
Woodleaf Lanes: Home 1811 Jake Alexander Blvd W, Salisbury, NC 28147
If you missed it last semester, please try to join us this time
around. We had a wonderful time, with a turnout of over 20 bowlers, and
we are hoping for at least that many again.
Also consider that this can be included as Physical Education on
The cost is only $6.00 per week, shoe rental included. For only
$10.00 per week, your money goes toward your own bowling ball OR shoes. There
is also a $6.00 per bowler registration fee, which covers the cost of the
bowling party and awards at the end if the league.
The league runs for 12 weeks and is a doubles format, so bring
your BFF :) or we can pair you
up at that time.
PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS are welcome to join AT THE SAME GREAT PRICE! Last semester we had four parents join!
PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS are welcome to join AT THE SAME GREAT PRICE! Last semester we had four parents join!
Bowlers need to be mature enough to bowl independently or with
minimal parental supervision.
Any questions, or to join, please contact
We hope to see y'all there!