Education Days at Carrowinds 2017:…/student-and-youth/education-days…/student-and-youth/education-days
Select Dates: March - June
Classroom lessons are given life in our action-packed Education Days, brought to eager learners in a partnership with Atomz Lab. Visit Carowinds Plaza from 9:00am-3:00pm for this hands-on educational experience. Education Days have been carefully designed to align with North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia Standard Courses of Study as well as National Science Standards.
Classroom lessons are given life in our action-packed Education Days, brought to eager learners in a partnership with Atomz Lab. Visit Carowinds Plaza from 9:00am-3:00pm for this hands-on educational experience. Education Days have been carefully designed to align with North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia Standard Courses of Study as well as National Science Standards.