Have you been intrigued about the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling? What to find out what it is all about, exactly?
Join Cheri Struble on JULY 15 for her
Digging Deeper: A Charlotte Mason Immersion
Hosted by Callie Marie Acuff
Saturday at 9 AM - 3 PM
Warehouse 242
2307 Wilkinson Blvd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208
Join us for a day of community and digging deeper into Charlotte Mason's ideas and philosophy. Cheri Struble, mother of nine, with 21 years of homeschooling experience will lead us through an immersion morning. We will walk through a morning of lessons with you as the student. Subjects covered will be: hymn, copy work, geography, studied dictation, Shakespeare, history, picture study and natural history. This is a unique way to see CM's ideas with "flesh on it".
We will enjoy a potluck lunch and time to chat before reconvening for Cheri to share a bit about the heart of Charlotte Mason's philosophy. Understanding the "why" can bring a passion to your school and life with children that merely following a set of ideas cannot. CM says in her volume Home Education, "...there is no part of a child's work at school which some philosophic principle does not underlie". Lastly, we will have a Q&A time where we can further process what we've learned and ask any of those tough questions you may be wrestling with.
*****Important Details*****
40 attendees max
Cost: $45.00
What to bring: potluck dish to share, pen/pencil
Your spot is reserved when you RSVP on the Facebook event page and/or email Callie Acuff at theacuffs@gmail.com AND pay $45.00 via PayPal (friend-to-friend) to theacuffs@gmail.com.
More about our speaker:
Cheri lives in the foothills of North Carolina with her husband and children. They have been homeschooling for 21 years and using the CM philosophy for 19 years with two graduates. Her oldest daughter, Kaley, is graduated, married and recently taking a break from her forensic anthropology pursuit to give Cheri the gift of being a Marmie. Her second born, Curtiss, graduated a year ago and is taking flight lessons while pursuing his mechanical engineering degree. She still has seven delightful people left at home to grow with. Cheri's other passions are being a midwife, an amateur naturalist, gardening, camping and all things related to fiber arts.