Thank you Kim Cuda of THSG Homeschool Leaders Forum for sharing this amazing opportunity!
Posted by: Kim Cuda
"The North Carolina Department of Non-Public Education Presents:
The Law and the Average Home Schooler
Thursday, March 15, 2018, at 7 pm
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
1046 Miller Street, Winston-Salem
Free event open to the public
Each week the Division of Non-Public Education answers over 100 phone calls from people asking about the home school law, how to home school, what is required to home school legally and how to validate diplomas for home school graduates. Perhaps you have questions as well. Rather than call the office, come hear Division of Non-Public Education Division Director Diane Allen and ask your questions in person. She will review a short history of home schooling in NC, how to register and operate under the current home school law and how you can ensure your home school records are accepted by outside agencies. Sponsored by FHE.
Do you have a question you'd like to ask? Post it in the comments! The Homeschool Gossip will be going and asking readers' questions.