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Sunday, August 6, 2017

FIRST Robitics Team 3506 YETI Recruitment Night ~ Charlotte

A message from Iaela Dumitrescu who is one of the leaders of this Robotics Club. Contact her at biola Please share. 

What: FIRST Robotics Competition Team 3506 YETI Robotics Recruitment Night
When: Monday, August 28th, 2017 @ 6:30-8:30PM
Where: Advent CoWorking Large Conference Room 933 Louise Ave. # 101 Charlotte, NC.
Why: FIRST is the Varsity Sport of the Mind and can give students relationships and STEM
skills that last a lifetime
Who: 9-12 Graders, (14-18 years old) for school year 2017-2018, and STEM experienced
adults of any age

Looking for Mentors and Students to Join!
If you are interested or have experience in

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Programming/Electrical Engineering
  • CAD
  • Photography/Videography
  • Graphics Design
  • Marketing/Social Media/Website Design
  • Team Spirit - Cheer
Please consider joining
or mentoring our team!
PO Box 31483 Charlotte NC 28231 704-604-2105 Email:

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