Here are just some of the HIGHLIGHTS events on The Homeschool Gossip's calendars this week! There are many more on the calendars (see below).
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?? Question of the Week ??
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How many days a week do you homeschool? Leave your answer in the comments!
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ZOE Teen Group first meeting of the year
Intro Meeting for Speech & Debate
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Registration for many classes and co-ops are open, see calendar for details.
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Teen Geek Club
Backyard Garden to Table
Animal Encounter All ages ~ Free
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Trampoline Homeschool Specials at Sky High & Defy Gravity
Library Events ~ There are many Teen events this week at CMS Libraries! Book clubs, Writing Club, Geek Club and More! Check the calendar for details!
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Pokemon & MTG Play times:
View The Homeschool Gossip calendars completely in scrollable lists with clickable links to all event details below! Don't forget to check these Calendars often, new events are added throughout the week! Bookmark the page for easy access:
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Would you like your class listed on this calendar? Contact The Homeschool to find out how. | |
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Recurring Monthly Events
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Opportunities To Help:
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HOMESCHOOLERS SUPPORTING HOMESCHOOLERS! For buying & selling used curriculum, games, toys & locating local homeschool owned businesses & product consultants. New Items have been listed!
The Homeschool Gossip is the place to come to find out all about Homeschooling in the Greater Charlotte Area & beyond ~ from Rock Hill to Raleigh!
You'll find calendars of events and activities, list of co-ops, support groups and enrichment classes; Homeschooling FAQs and a Social Network to get you connected to other homeschoolers with similar ages and interests; there are even Marketplaces to buy & sell curriculum, toys and games!
So, spread the word! And don't forget to say you heard about it on The Homeschool Gossip!
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